The Real Hitty's Underclothes |
Hitty's Library Dress |
Hitty's Daguerotype Dress |
The PJ Class includes these two Babydoll PJ's, plus the nighty shown to the right! |
The PJ Class includes this heirloom nighty patterns, plus the pj's shown to the left! |
Make a darling, soft, comfy stuffed chair for your Hitty and other 5" to 9" dolls today! |
These online class are available any time
after the original date!
Sign up for one now.
All Classes Available NOW.
Real Hitty's Stockbridge Clothes
Straw Hat for Hitty and Like-sized Dolls
PJ and Heirloom Nighty Class for Hitty
If you would like to be notified of any new classes, please join the update list! |