The Real Hitty's Underclothes

Hitty's Library Dress

Hitty's Daguerotype Dress

The PJ Class includes these two Babydoll PJ's, plus the nighty shown to the right!

The PJ Class includes this heirloom nighty patterns, plus the pj's shown to the left!

Make a darling, soft, comfy stuffed chair for your Hitty and other 5" to 9" dolls today!

These online class are available any time after the original date!
Sign up for one now.

All Classes Available NOW.

The Real Hitty's Stockbridge Clothes

"Library Dress"
Daguerotype Dress

Straw Hat for Hitty and Like-sized Dolls

PJ and Heirloom Nighty Class for Hitty

Comfy Chair and Pillow Class

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