Hitty Coal Teaches Hitty Petal to Bring Another
Out of the Wood

Hitty Coal, having spent considerable time in the Sara
Cole Studios,
decided to give Hitty Petal a private lesson
in enabling yet more Hittys to come out of the wood.

Shallow cuts, shallow cuts.

Carving is tense work, and Hitty Coal gives Hitty Petal a
much-needed shoulder massage.

Hitty Petal pays close attention to the tips and instruction
from Hitty Coal. She has always wanted to learn
better carving techniques.

"A curved file is perfect for smoothing out the eyes," explains
Hitty Coal.

"We're almost finished," says Hitty Petal, steadying the New

Hitty Coal and Hitty Petal proudly pose with the
new Hittys they have helped emerge!

Hitty Coal's instructional New Bitty (carved by Sara Cole)

Hitty Petal's full-sized Hitty (carved by Julie Old Crow)

"If we put our heads together, we can get our arms and legs all
that much faster!"