Meet Our Souvenir Hitty
To be a souvenir Hitty
at an event is no light task. One must be cultured,
good-natured, friendly, and well-rounded.
So, how do you pick one perfect blank to be the Souvenir Hitty
for the Funnest Event Ever???

The molds for our Souvenir Hittys

First, you gather them all together for a group
Hitty Petal and Hal had sheets of prepared questions.
( Hal is sitting in for
Hitty Jo. He asks all the questions Hitty Jo has prepared.)

"So, number three, what do you feel is your best
qualification?" asks Hitty Petal.

The first blank demonstrates her tea-pouring abilities.
"And I can bake, too," she adds shyly.

Another blank shows off her athletic abilities.
"I would be so perfect for the job!"

Hal asks some tough questions.
"How do you see yourself being the best for the NCHR Souvenir Hitty?"

This blank loves poetry.
"The boy stood on the burning deck--" she declaims.

The last blank is of the Method Acting school, and interprets
the picture in the book where Hitty is floating in the ocean.
"Uncanny resemblance," thinks Hal.

"So? Who do we pick?" asks Hal.
"I have an idea....." says Hitty Petal.

And she tells the four anxious blanks her plan.
They ALL go to be blanks to our carver!
Of course, only one will turn out to be the Souvenir Hitty,
but the other three will have a distinguished career as
Hitty Souvenir Runners-up.

Hitty Iris Raikes likes to be right in the middle of things--but it's
It's time to celebrate the next step of our journey!