2011 T-shirt
found here.
For this project you will need:
t-shirt fabric
sewing machine
scrap paper (like typing paper)
Print and cut out patterns. Fold fabric in half. Place
pattern on
wrong side of fabric. Trace around the pattern.
Cut out about 1/2 inch around the drawn fabric. Place on paper.
We'll be using the paper to prevent the fabric from stretching too much.
Sew one underarm seam.

Cut across on the bottom (waist) line. Open, and place the
shirt on
the paper. Fold hem up 1/8th inch and sew hem.

Fold back and place back on paper. Sew the other underarm seam.
Next, fold sleeves up 1/th inch and hem.

Hem neck by hand.

Place on paper. Sew both shoulder seams.
Turn right side out.