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Camp Piney Woods Official
Camp Pattern
New for our 10th Anniversary

Camp Piney Woods Campers in their rain ponchos.
For this project you will need:
Sewing Machine OR Needle and Thread
9" x 12" Fabric (we used yellow flag material)
Fray Check (we used June Tailor FrayBlock)
Cord or String for Ties
Two Pony Beads
Cut out pattern pieces. Make sure to place hood on fold of
fabric, as indicated.
Sew hood to poncho. Sew up back seam of hood. Fraycheck all
edges. We also cut
ours with pinking shears, to prevent fraying. With your
cord/thread (we used 6-strand embroidery thread)
make a running stitch all around the hood. Fasten pony beads on--and