Left to right: Hershey's Kiss Drops, Peanut Butter
Criss/Cross, and Chocolate Chip
Mrs. Plum's Cookies
You will need some light, medium, and dark
brown clay for the cookies, plus a black Sharpie pen for the 'chips'.
Step One: For all three cookies, roll the clay into a
long tube, and then cut into even pieces about the size of a small
pea. Experiment to see how big you want your cookies to be when
Use the Medium Brown (shown) for the Hershey's Kiss Drops,
and the Light Brown for the other two kinds. |
Step Two: For the Peanut Butter cookies and the Chocolate
Chip cookies, flatten the pieces in your fingers. You will need
to roll the edges slightly to make them nice and round.
For the PB cookies, just use the toothpick to make a
criss/cross. Leave the Choco. chip cookies plain. Once these are
cooked, you will use a Sharpie pen to make the 'chips'. |

Step Three: for the Kiss cookies, first take a very small
amount of dark brown. Roll it into a ball, and then pinch the end
to a point. |

Step Four: Make the cookie shapes just like when you
made the other cookies. Use the toothpick to make a shallow indent
in the center of the cookie. Add the Kiss.
Bake the clay according to the directions on your clay
package. when finished, allow to cool, and then cover with a light
coating of varnish. |