Sewing Machine
Straight Pins
Cutting Mat, Cutting ruler, and Rotary Cutter
Iron and Ironing mat
Magic Sizing (about $.99, similar to but better than spray starch)
Fabric requirements:
9-1 1/2" x 1 1/2" Different Squares
Backing (to be determined)
2--2 1/2" x 2 1/2" squares, cut corner to
Border: 1" x measurement
Tip: To determine how big your corner triangles need to be for any given quilt, simply measure the quilt across the middle both ways.
Lay the 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" squares out according to your preferences.
Begin by sewing the squares together
shown. Press each step carefully.
When you have three rows sewn together, move to the next step.
Sew the rows together. You
want to pin each seam together and add extra pins to hold the fabric
from slipping.
Once your Square is finished, press lightly, and move on to the next
step. It should measure 3 1/2" x 3 1/2 inches at this step.
ever iron a quilt block like
you would a shirt. This will stretch and distort your fabric.
Always press down and lift.
Press down and lift. This will help a lot to keep it even.
If your square is not
you can trim carefully to make it square. This is not the ideal
the best thing to do would be to be very careful when sewing and to
press carefully. However,
due to the small size, this is not as easy as it sounds!
Take the four outer corners previously cut.
Fold each in half and finger-press the centers as shown.
Pin these two creases together. Pin across a LOT, as
this is a bias edge and will stretch under the presserfoot if you don't
keep it in place.
Sew on the top and bottom. Press carefully. Note that there will be some of the ends hanging over, and it should be.
Once the top and bottom are sewn on, repeat with the sides. Press carefully.
Measure your quilt across the middle side to side as shown.
Cut two borders 1" x this measurement. Sew them on top and bottom. Press.
Never just sew the border on without pinning it
in place.
If it is longer or shorter than your square at the top
or bottom, ease it in place and pin.
If you just sew it on, you will most likely have a wriggly border that will not lay flat.
If you want your quilt bigger, simply add more borders until it reaches your desired size. Or--use 16 squares instead of 9.