My November Plums
Both are Sold
E njoy the pictures.

Hitty Petal, helping out with some of the carving.
The two Plums at the left are #11 and #12.

#11 and #12

These Plums come with a skirt, blouse, red hand-knitted shawl, and holiday apron.
They also will be bringing a Christmas Log Roll cake, gingerbread man, and candycanes!

The apron for #12

The Expenses for hiring one of Mrs. Plum's friends come to a total of $165.00, plus $5.00 for shipping, which includes one of her friends,
dressed in a sturdy work outfit, and bringing with her a few supplies--or any number of things, since each of Mrs. Plum's friends has a unique talent,
besides their ability to organize and maintain a Hitty home.

#11--Basswood, wool hair, elastic jointed.

#12--Basswood, wool hair, elastic jointed.

#11--sorry, hired out and no longer available.

The foundation garment is painted on, and trim is added.

Tiny buttons are on the outer arms and outer legs, for the elastic jointing.

Elastic jointed, for greater range of motion.

She wears a coral necklace with a 'gold' cross, which is removeable.

She is signed and dated on the back.

Her hair is coiled at her neck and held in place with two hair sticks.

The sticks can be removed and the hair restyled.

After painting, she has been coated with numberous coats of
a matte finish varnish for durability.




Her hair is coiled at her neck and held in place with two hair sticks.

Elastic jointed, for greater range of motion.

The foundation garment is painted on, and trim is added.

Tiny buttons are on the outer arms and outer legs, for the elastic jointing.

She wears a coral necklace with a 'gold' cross, which is removeable.

She is signed and dated on the back.

After painting, she has been coated with numberous coats of
a matte finish varnish for durability.

Her warm 'woolen' stockings are painted on, with lacy trim.